Berlitz Kids Legacy Transformation

Updating a language learning environment for kids as young as five.

  • UI
  • EdTech
Berlitz Kids Legacy Transformation

As you can imagine teaching kids is very different to teaching adults, so the learning environment requires a different set of tools.

For kids and teens, interactive and instructor led activities form the basis for learning a language.

A instructor and student system already existed, so the student activities got a UI refresh, while the instructor environment was improved by our UX designer, and then styled with the Berlitz brand by me.

Student interface

When you have kids aged five and upwards it's hard creating a style that appeals to all. For the first phase of this project a UI was created which maintained the Berlitz brand, while also bringing a little playfulness that would be generic enough for a large age range.

Young Learners Touch Activity Old System
Young Learners Touch Activity New UI
Young Learners Flipcard Old System
Young Learners Flipcard New UI

Instructor interface

The instructor UI was designed to incorporate our instructor sidebar and toolbar from the portal project I was also working on, and the UX was improved so that instructors had more room on screen and a better navigation flow.

Instructor Guide Old
Instructor Guide New UI
Young Learners Whats missing Old System
Young Learners Whats missing New UI