Berlitz Student Portal

Working as a team to create a new portal for students

  • UI
  • Design System
Berlitz Student Portal

Starting from scratch

With no existing global system in place for students, creating a new portal from scratch is a big project. While the UX research was going on, I was creating a skeleton of re-usable components that we were going to need.

Starting with a simple design system of Sketch components published to Zeplin, eventually it evolved into a fully fledged system in Storybook. To read more about the design system click here.

Below highlights a few of the many features that were released for students.

Book a lesson

Previous to starting this project students were not able to book a lesson themselves. They would have to call up a learning centre and have a admin person do it on their behalf, the same applied to changes, or cancellations.

As you can imagine, this was frustrating for the student, as well as time consuming for learning centre staff.

Book a lesson was one of the first features to go live for the student, along side with a bulk booking feature. The bulk booking feature encouraged students to book all their lessons at once, to help them keep on track with their language learning.

Book a lesson

Preferred instructor

As the student portal evolved, it became obvious that students wanted to book with preferred instructors that they had lessons with before.

This new feature allowed students to favourite instructors, view their calendars, and navigate easily to other preferred instructors.

Preferred instructor

Student learning path

Progression is always an important indicator to keep students motivated in their lessons. The learning path became an important page for a student to visually show how they were progressing in their course.

Depending on the product the student had enrolled in, the learning path was either student led (the student completed two lessons by themselves and then had a instructor coaching session) or it was instructor led (the instructor ran the class face to face or online and decided when the student was ready to progress).

Learning path

Student calendar

The calendar feature gave the student an overview of lessons as well as the ability to join online classes and add notes and attachments.

A self tech check could also be done by the student ahead of their class to make sure they were set up correctly for remote learning.

Student calendar


The events feature was setup to allow students to easily reserve a seat for various events that Berlitz were holding. These could be things like Orientation - which is needed to be completed before a student starts a course, a tech check with support, or a language coffee club that an instructor might want to run.
