JobReady Design System and Product Suite

Bringing together five products and making them a cohesive family

  • UI
  • UX
  • Design System
  • Userflows
JobReady Design System and Product Suite

Multiple products, multiple dev teams

A growing product family and legacy code can be a confusing mess at times. My role at JobReady was to help to unravel the confusion and bring together a family of products as well as help to shape a new product.

The first step was to create a styleguide and CSS that could be used as a base for all products.

A new product for jobseekers

JobReady creates software for education and employment

Creating flows for a new product

Userflows were created for desktop and mobile, mapping out all interactions.


A bird's eye view

Creating userflows helps to see the overall experience and pick up any missing scenarios before moving on to prototyping.

Userflow 2

One big family

One system was produced for all products as well as for marketing purposes. This ensures that in-product and external websites all form a cohesive experience.

One global CSS file was created which was used for all product dev teams.

Styleguide 1

Styleguide 2